allissa's comfy burrow

“You and I are gonna live forever”

back to my blog

The big website overhaul and (the first) changelog!

publish date: 2024-06-24


welcome to the slightly new

screenshot of the revamped homepage

I got bored so I decided to slightly redecorate my website a bit, and I’m super bored so I’m writing a blog post about it!

so, what’s new?

here are the big changes I wanna highlight

new “meta” page and re-arranged nav bar

cursor hovering over the navlink named 'meta'

the home page was cluttered and I wanted a page just for web stuff that seemed to overfill the home page, so I pushed that over to a seperate page! I also moved the blog (formerly writeups) page up to have higher priority

also, any external link now displays an ”” icon next to it

writeups are now just blogs

gosh, I felt so special naming the blogs something that wasn’t “blog.” But the special name seems quite cheesy so I just named it to what it is. A blog page.

88x31 galore!

a bunch of 88x31 website buttons

regular adding and updating of my 88x31 button stash. The majority of my curated collection has been moved to the new meta page with only 3 buttons on the main page. Those being an interactive one, my website’s button, and my girlfriend’s button.

ok, but, what’s not new?

the about me page is still not done!

I keep not doing it! and it won’t get done until I can figure out what to put on there! also writing about me pages in general is hard so this will be a while :(

it’s a wrap!

thank you for listening to my Ted talk, or something. haha. I can’t really figure out how to end these so cya :3