allissa's comfy burrow

“You and I are gonna live forever”

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As of July 20th, I am no longer on the fediverse

publish date: 2024-07-20


the title says it all really

I am now no longer on fedi. I have deleted the instances and all local content has been erased.

Felt like making this a blog post because I want to mark this as official, since I really don’t want any more involvment with that platform anymore.


will you ever come back to fedi?

probably not.

there’s old/new drama involving you, what do I do?

ignore it and don’t tell me about it as ignorance is bliss :)

I still see @itzzenxx@... or @itzzen@... around fedi when searching, what about those accounts?

those are likely ghost accounts or imposters, please don’t interact with them.


If you have any other questions about this, you can contact me and ask me directly.